Testimonials- Breathing
Testimonials by people who have visited salt caves to help treat problems with breathing and related issues.“Have been coming for 3 months and now can go upstairs without getting breathless. The staff are great, I think I will always come!”
“Most relaxing- feel wonderfully refreshed, breathing so much better.”
“After reading an article in a magazine, I realised what the founder Richard had gone through and what I had been going through for months. I decided to try the salt therapy and feel now that it has helped with my breathing. I can now continue with my walking, which had become limited. I feel like I have my life back again and would like to thank Richard for bringing this to Kenilworth and helping so many people.”
I have been to salt caves before and now we finally have have one in Warwickshire, much closer to home. My breathing is starting to benefit from my regular visits to Little Himalaya, at first I thought it might be a placebo effect but having had more sessions I am 100% sure that salt therapy is benefitting me. Also a thanks to the staff, very friendly and helpful. Recommended!

Breathing Issues Affect Millions of People In The UK
“I have noticed the difference in my breathing and I will return. So glad I came.”
Having only just moved to the area, I was pleased to find that a new salt therapy centre had just opened. I used to visit one in Edinburgh and found that regular visits aided my breathing issues. I am sure that Little Himalaya will continue to do the same.
“For me the outcome of salt therapy is incredible! I couldn’t believe how much my sinuses and lungs really opened up! My breathing improved instantly. I didn’t realise how poorly I was breathing until I had my first session and I could instantly feel a difference. I highly recommend anyone to experience it for themselves!”
“I noticed a dramatic difference in my ability to breathe deeply. After eight sessions I no longer needed my inhaler when I worked out! This place is amazing!”
Useful Breathing Resources
Caring For Seniors With Breathing Problems
Children With Breathing Difficulties
Web MD- Tips For Easier Breathing
“After the first session my breathing was so much better and my skin felt less irritable. I have been very impressed with my overall improvement with my conditions after only one session. I will definitely recommend Salt Caves to my friends!”
“What a brilliant experience! It was very relaxing and really helped my runners cough.”
“I often had salt therapy sessions when I train for the triathalons. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but I can honestly say my breathing felt so much more relaxed after every visit. I am a convert and very much want to get back into that room as soon as I can.”
“I have great confidence in this salt treatment, it is making my breathing so much better, and so relaxing.”
I’ve struggled with breathing for what it seems like forever! A friend at told me about salt therapy so I thought that I might as well try it. After a few sessions I started to feel slightly better. My chest felt a little healed and didn’t hurt when I breathed in. When I went to see the doctors he said that my lung capacity had increased! Even though the doctor couldn’t explain why this happened, I knew it was because of the salt!
I found that Little Himalaya improved my breathing symptoms after a few sessions. The salt cave seems to be a good natural treatment for my breathing problems.