Salt Therapy- Medical Studies

Details of studies to date relevant to salt therapy

A comprehensive list of medical studies relating to salt therapy. See here for dermatological studies and here for magazine articles. The following list contains a summary of each medical study, including the author(s), date of the study, it’s source and whether it is a full study or just an abstract. We have also included a technical rating and, where appropriate, a summary of Little Himalaya‘s own thoughts on the study in question.

Surveys on therapeutic effects of “halotherapy chamber with artificial salt-mine environment” on patients with certain chronic allergenic respiratory pathologies and infectious-inflammatory pathologies
Date: 2014
Format: Full article
Source: Journal of Medicine & Life
Authors: H, Lazarescu, I Simionca, M Hoteteu, A Munteanu, I Rizea, A Iliuta, D Dumitrascu and E Dumitrescu

Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

“Halotherapy (HT), derived from speleotherapy in salt mines, is also a drug-free therapeutic method. HT effects vary depending on the therapeutic method and the structure of halotherapy environment. […] during the first 3-7 days of HT procedure, occurrence and onset of irritative cough was noticed in 7 patients (5 patients with bronchial asthma, 1 – with chronic bronchitis and 1 – with chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy) […] The assessment of results achieved in the investigated patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, after a specific halotherapy treatment, indicates the triggering of an anti-inflammatory (including anti-allergic mechanisms) mechanism and a decreasing trend of the inflammatory process.




Data acquired indicate a decrease in the body’s sensitiveness and in infectious-inflammatory process in patients with bronchial asthma after HT treatment, and it also proves the need to extend the period or to repeat the halotherapeutic treatment. “

We Say

A very comprehensive & recent paper from Hungary. If you do technical then this is for you.


The use of an artificial microclimate chamber in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases
Date: 1997
Format: Abstract Only
Source: N/A
Authors: Chernenkov RA, Chernenkova EA, Zhukov GV.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Halotherapy was used for sanatorium rehabilitation in 29 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis and asthma). Significant positive effects of this method resulted in the improvement of the flow-volume parameters curve of lung function and in hypotensive effects on blood pressure. […] Halotherapy is recommended for use in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases with hypertension or coronary heart disease.


Halotherapy – A possible method to enhance airway treatment on patients with obstructive pathology
Date: 2012
Format: Abstract Only
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Authors: Radu Crisan – Dabija, Traian Mihaescu
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Salt aerosols versus placebo. The final data showed an overall improvement of FVC by 4%, 14% improvement of the FEV1 and 25% improvement of PEF parameter – showing significant improvement. In asthma patients condition. Correlating quality of life responses we found out that they were improved throughout the study by 24% showing a significant impact on the quality of life. […] Correlating both the improvements of spirometry parameters and the scores from the QoL questionnaire we found that the NaCl aerosols from a dry salt inhaler (home halotherapy) seems to be efficient versus placebo when added to regular bronchodilatatory medication but further studies are necessary.

We Say

The study was double-blind, randomized trial, single crossed, conducted for 4 months.


The efficacy of speleotherapy in salt mines in children with bronchial asthma based on the data from immediate and late observations
Date: 1993
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Abdullaev AA, Gadzhiev KM, Eiubova AA.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Speleotherapy was conducted in 216 children with bronchial asthma treated in conditions of salt mines situated near the town of Nakhichevan. […] Speleotherapy courses noticeably diminished broncho-obstructive syndrome, improved pulmonary ventilation. The improvement proved stable in the majority of the patients. It is recommended to include speleotherapy in salt mines into combined rehabilitation treatment of pediatric asthmatics.

We Say

Speleotherapy is treatment within an actual salt mine.


Theoretical basis and clinical benefits of dry salt inhalation therapy
Date: 2015
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Hungarian Journal
Authors: Endre L.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

The sick (or healthy) persons spend 30-60 minutes in this room, usually 10-20 times. Due to the greater osmotic pressure the inhaled salt diminishes the oedema of the bronchial mucosa, decreases its inflammation, dissolves the mucus, and makes expectoration easier and faster (expectoration of air pollution and allergens will be faster, too). It inhibits the growth of bacteria and, in some case, kills them. Phagocyte activity is also increased.

We Say

Abstract of Hungarian article. A straight forwards explanation of what Halotherapy does.


The effect of salt chamber treatment on bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatics
Date: 2006
Format: Full article
Source: European Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Authors: J. Hedman, T. Hugg, J. Sandell, T. Haahtela
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

The salt chamber treatment lasted 40 min and was administered five times a week. […] The optimum duration or regularity of treatments needed are not known. In practice, the length of individual salt treatments vary widely from 20 min to hours and last five to 25 sessions. The length and regime of our study mirrors the common practice in Estonia and in the salt chamber of Lappeenranta Spa. […] This study is the first controlled trial investigating the effect of salt chamber treatment on BHR. A 2-week salt chamber treatment reduced BHR as an add-on therapy on a low to moderate dose of inhaled steroids.

We Say

An aim of HT is to reduce BHR (bronchial hyperresponsiveness) effectively reducing inflamation and reactions to allergens and pathogens.


Use of Trace Elements and Halotherapy in the Treatment of Human Diseases
Date: 2014
Format: Full article
Source: N/A
Authors: Professor Vincent S. Gallicchio. Professor in the Department of Biological & Public Health Services, Clemson University, SC, USA.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Halotherapy is using salt compounds as initial and maintenance therapy of human respiratory ailments. Used by the Greeks & Romans, halotherapy has existed for thousands of years. It is associated with the therapeutic effectiveness attributed to spas. Today halotherapy has gained resurgence with its use as personalised medicine in the treatment of human diseases.

We Say

66 pages of heavy detail about how the body uses lots of trace elements. For the non-technical reader, what the paper implies, but as an oversight fails to make clear is that salt contains over 70 of these trace elements. In addition, HPC is said to contain 84 trace elements.


Salt Halo Therapy and Saline Inhalation Administered to Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Pilot Study
Date: 2014
Format: Full article
Source: Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine
Authors: Ulla Møller Weinreich, Tove Nilsson, Lone Mylund, Helle Thaarup Christiansen and Birgitte Schantz Laursen
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Both Halo therapy and saline inhalation improved walking distance and FEV1 in patients. SGRQ improved in patients treated with halo therapy. Halo therapy appeared to be better tolerated than saline therapy. 

We Say

A fully in depth study of 67 COPA patients- 5 pages- readable and fair.Note SGRQ is medical scoring of respiratory symptoms, their frequency & severity of their impact on quality of life and overall health.


Halotherapy for Treatment of Respiratory Diseases.
Date: 1995
Format: Full article
Source: N/A
Authors: Alina V. Chervinskaya & Nora A. Zilber
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

A key study of 124 trialled patients at St. Petersburg Pavlov National Medical University, Russia. Clinical function results suggest, that HT (halotherapies) has a gradual positive influence on bronchial obstruction.

We Say

10 pages with no less than 30 references. In a nutshell- aerosol salt initiates the lifting of mucus off the cilia in the lungs.


Salt caves as simulation of natural environment and significance of halotherapy.
Date: 2014
Format: Full article
Source: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Authors: Joanna Zajac, Iwona Bojar, Jadwiga Helbin, Emilia Kolarzyk, Alfred Owoc.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Besides the health benefits, people do not have free time for rest and activities in clean air; moreover, stress is inseparable from everyday life, and for that reasons salt caves become places that help to support a proper lifestyle.

We Say

A non-technical chatty article making a case of improvement of general well-being with some positive anecdotal talk. 


Immunologic features of Speleotherapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Date: 2010
Format: Full article
Source: Medical & Health Science Journal
Authors: Ilmurat Nurov
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

On the whole, indices of immune status improved after a course of treatment in 97.8% patients of the main group and in 67.5% patients of the control group simultaneously with positive dynamics of clinical symptomatic. These indices have become particularly better after 6 months in post treatment period that evidences the prolonged efficacy of ST in contrast to other methods of treatment.

We Say

Speleotherapy is the term for salt therapy in an underground cave. In this study 128 patients visited the “Khodjaykhon” cave 18 times.


Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of Aerosal in the treatment of sub-obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy and related diseases.
Date: 2013
Format: Full article
Source: International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology.
Authors: Gelardi, M., Iannuzzi, L., Greco Miani, A., Cazzaniga, S., Naldi, L., De Luca, C. Quaranta, N.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Aerosal halotherapy can be considered a viable adjunct, albeit not a replacement, to conventional medical treatment of sub-obstructive adenotonsillar syndrome and related conditions.

We Say

This article relates to ‘Nasal, sinus & middle ear’ area of trial. 


Efficacy of Halotherapy for Improvement of Pulmonary function Tests and Quality of Life of Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectatic Patients
Date: 2013
Format: Full article
Source: Tanaffos journal of respiratory diseases, Thoracic surgery, intensive care & tuberculosis.
Authors: Bita Rabbani, Seyed Shahabedin Mohammad Makki, corresponding author Katayoon Najafizadeh, Hamid Reza Khodami Vishteh, Shadi Shafaghi, Shirin Karimi, and Saeid Mahmoodian
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Bronchiectasis is chronic disease of the airways characterized by irreversible dilation of airways. It has a progressive course and despite the available treatments, many of these patients eventually enter the advanced phase of disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of halotherapy on pulmonary function tests and quality of life of non-CF bronchiectatic patients.

We Say

These comments relate not to Salt Cave Halotherapy but to salitair inhalery. This is a small home use device. It is useful for daily use for 30 seconds, but using it as described for 60 minutes a day would be like smoking on a drinking straw for an hour.


Halotherapy for Treatment of Respiratory Diseases.
Date: 2003
Format: Full article
Source: Clinical Research Respiratory Centre, Saint-Petersburg
Authors: A. V. Chervinskaya
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

It is extremely expedient to apply HT for primary and secondary prevention of respiratory diseases […] When applying HT as a method for nasal pathology medical treatment it allows to achieve positive results in 72%-87% of cases. […] Dry sodium cholride aerosol takes beneficial effect on pituitary membrane and paranasal sinuses in more than 60% of patients with chronic sinusitis.

We Say

10 pages of heavy information from Dr Chervinskaya; well informed. We think one can safely deduce that she is convinced!


The use of halotherapy for the health improvement in children at institutions of general education
Date: 2012
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Khan MA, Chervinskaia AV, Mikitchenko NA.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Observations during 1, 3, 5, and 12 month follow-up periods confirmed the persistence of prophylactic and therapeutic effects of salt therapy.

We Say

Abstract only article. Note prophylactic is defined as “preventative, disease- preventing, precautionary”.


Halotherapy in combined non-puncture therapy of patients with acute purulent maxillary sinusitis
Date: 2003
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Grigor/eva NV.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

Halotherapy was found effective in the treatment of acute purulent maxillary sinusitis without puncture.


Efficacy of therapeutic use of ultrasound and sinusoidal modulated currents combed with halotherapy in patient with occupational toxic-dust bronchitis
Date: 2001
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Roslaia NA, Likhacheva EI, Shchekoldin PI.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

It was found that device physiotherapy (SMC, US) in combination with HT raise the treatment efficacy to 86.5%.

We Say

Abstract only. Effect of HT on workers with toxic-dust bronchitis.


Effects of halotherapy on free radical oxidation in patients with chronic bronchitis
Date: 2000
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Farkhutdinov UR, Abdrakhmanova LM, Farhutdinoc RR.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

The addition of halotherapy to combined treatment of these patients promoted correction of the disorders and improvement of chronic bronchitis course.


Surveys on therapeutic effects of “halotherapy chamber with artificial salt-mine environment” on patients with certain chronic allergenic respiratory pathologies and infectious-inflammatory pathologies
Date: 2014
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Journal of Medicine & Life
Authors: Lazarescu H, Simionca I, Hoteteu M, Munteanu A, Rizea I, Iliuta A, Dumitrascu D, Dumitrescu E.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

After the specific halotherapy treatment on patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, which also showed other chronic, infectious-inflammatory and allergic respiratory pathologies, triggering of anti-inflammatory (and also anti allergic) mechanisms and healing effects on inflammatory process were noted. Data acquired also proved the halo therapeutic effect causing the reduction of sensitiveness of body in patients with bronchial asthma.


The Effects of Using a Dry Salt Inhaler Aerosols On Adults With Obstructive Respiratory Pathology
Date: 2012
Format: Abstract Only
Source: American Thoracic Society International Conference Abstracts
Authors: Radu Crisan – Dabija, Traian Mihaescu
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

The study revealed an improvement of all spirometry parameters after the first month of treatment with salt aerosols from the drysalt inhaler versus placebo. The final data showed an overall improvenemt of FVC by 4%, 14% improvement of the FEV1 and 25% improvement of PEF parameter- showing significant improvement in asthma patients condition. .

We Say

The study was a double-blind, randomized trial, single crossed. 


The use of halotherapy for the rehabilitation of patients with acute bronchitis and a protracted and recurrent course
Date: 1995
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Borisenko LV, Chervinskaia AV, Stepanova NG, Luk’ian VS, Goncharova VA, Pokhodzeĭ IV, Krivitskaia VZ, Vishniakova LA, Pokhaznikova MA, Faustova ME, et al.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

 Positive dynamics of the function indices in the clinical picture resulted from elimination of pathogenic agents, control of slowly running inflammatory lesions and stimulation of some immune system factors.






We Say

Abstract only. The abstract provides a technical comment with reference to bronchitis.


The role of non-medicamental technologies in the rehabilitation of the children presenting with acute rhinosinusitis
Date: 2015
Format: Abstract Only
Source: Russian Journal
Authors: Khan MA, Khoruzhenko OV, Vakhova EL, Lyan NA, Radetskaya LI.
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

The results of the present study gave evidence of the feasibility of incorporating HT and MT in the combined treatment of the children presenting with acute rhinosinusitis. The integrated use of the two methods proved to have the advantage over the separate application of either of them. The specific effects of HT and MT on the clinical course of acute sinusitis and the functional state of intranasal mucosa are described. The optimal methods of the treatment are proposed.


Promising or Placebo? Halo Salt Therapy: Resurgence of a Salt Cave Spa Treatment
Date: 2016
Format: Abstract Only
Source: American Lung Association
Authors: Editorial Staff at the American Lung Association (online article only).
Tech Rating: 1473785914_keditbookmarks

They Say

 Dr. Norman Edelman, Senior Scientific Advisor to the American Lung Association, suggests that potentially, it could be more than just a placebo effect. Most people with obstructive lung disease such as asthma or COPD cough sputum (a thick mixture of saliva and mucus), and trying to bring it up can be distressing. (Think about the last time you had bronchitis, for instance.) Dr. Edelman suggests that it’s possible that salt therapy offers relief to these symptoms.

We Say

Turns out, salt therapy isn’t new at all. Back in 1843, a Polish physician by the name of Feliks Boczkowski noticed that salt mine workers did not experience respiratory issues or lung disease vs other miners. Almost a hundred years later, a German named Karl Hermann Spannagel noticed that his patients’ health improved after hiding out in the salt caves while avoiding heavy bombing during WWII. The news of the benefits of salt therapy spread across Eastern Europe where you can find many locations offering these giant salt rooms today, from Poland to Germany to the UK. It’s even catching on in the States at Korean bath houses where you can sit back, relax and breathe in the salty air while in a room made entirely out of giant slabs of Himalayan sea salt. 


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