Testimonials- Sleep

Read testimonials from people who have used salt cave therapy to improve their quality of sleep.

“After just one session my sleep has improved considerably. I suffer with sleep apnea and on the night of my first session had my best night’s sleep for ages.”


22nd July 2017

“Thanks Little Himalaya for making my visit such a welcome, relaxing and enjoyable one. Fingers crossed it helps my insomnia.” Visited Little Himalaya November 2016

Allison, West Midlands

It’s very early days- only had one session so far- but I seem to be sleeping a little better already. I slept right through last night which is the first time in a long time. My breathing seems much improved which could explain it possibly. I’ll be sticking with salt therapy.

Gemma, Birmingham

Sleeping person

Lack of sleep is linked to a host of illnesses and disorders

I suffer from sleep apnea. Feeling really great after salt therapy.

Colin C

Sleeping has become a great problem for me in recent years, I can never seem to settle and I am affected by poor breathing as well as coughing during the night. A few sessions of salt therapy in Kenilworth’s salt cave appear to be helping somewhat with these issues. My mum actually put me in touch as she has already been going there to treat a respiratory issue with good success. I’m still waking up in the night but my coughing does seem to be a little better and I am also breathing a little easier too.

Cathy, Warwickshire

“For the last few nights I have been absolutely sleeping like a baby. My wife is even struggling to wake me up in the morning now and I can only think that it must be all the salt therapy that is doing this. I feel just great!”

Rosemary, Leamington Spa

“Fantastic! I am a terrible sleeper and therefore am almost always tired and lacking energy. Half a dozen sessions in a salt cave later and I am finally starting to feel human again. Yay!”

Janet, Birmingham

“The salt cave at Little Himalaya has helped me with more than one issue thus far. I can already sense benefits to my sleep, my breathing, and even my skin. Salt therapy works people!”

Jilly, Leicester

Does it count as helping my sleep if I fell asleep during my salt therapy session?! Because that seems to happen every time I visit Little Himalaya! A deeply relaxing and enjoyable experience if ever there was one. In all seriousness, I do seem to be sleeping a little better at night now, I feel that I can settle down a little quicker once climbing into bed and my breathing is somewhat deeper and stronger. Hopefully I will notice even greater benefits over the coming months.

John, Derby

Salt therapy has helped my breathing. I feel in better shape, and my sleep has improved.

Catrin, Warwickshire

I always fall asleep during the salt cave sessions, plus I sleep markedly better at night time too. So, lots more sleep for me now! My general breathing also seems to have improved, my airways and lungs just feel calmer.

Vladimir, Hinckley