Guess what, whether you like it or not it’ll nearly be Christmas once again! Therefore, here’s a quick reminder that one of the best gifts you can buy for someone this festive season is one of our amazing Himalayan Salt Lamps. Not only do these unique lamps look fabulous and create a great topic of conversation, many people believe that they also confer numerous health benefits.

Due to it being naturally hygroscopic, himalayan salt is able to attract water from its surrounding environment and absorb it. Water particles exist in the air around us and these particles contain a wide array of pollutants including bacteria, smoke and dust. Unfortunately these pollutants then enter our bloodstreams and lungs when we breathe. The hygroscopic nature of salt lamps allows them to attract the water particles from the air, thus diverting these health affecting pollutants away from us, resulting in the air that we do breathe in to be cleaner and more pollutant-free.

We now have in stock a wide range of himalayan salt lamps at our salt cave. If you’d like to purchase one, please pop in and take a look and one of the staff will be happy to show you what we’ve got.

I loved my first himalayan salt lamp so much that I went and bought another two! I now have them adorning my living room and bedrooms and they are just fab. It’s hard to tell whether or not they are benefiting my health but I love them even just as decorative lights. They really do look amazing and my friends and family are constantly commenting on them.
